- 2025.1.22
- Yi Cheng Chng, a master student at the Karolinska Institutet, has joined our lab as a special student.
- 2025.2.26-28
- At the EMBO Workshop "Global insights in life sciences" held in Heidelberg, Nakato will give an oral presentation, while Drs. Oba and Nagaoka will present posters.
- 2024.11.27-29
- Nakato presided an symposium "Large-scale computational epigenomics for the elucidation of genomic regulatory mechanisms" at the MBSJ2024 Annual Conference held at Hakata. Dr. Lee gave a talk there.
- Nakato and Dr. Saijou gave talks on the symposiums "Mechanisms, dynamics, and functions of the 3D genome organization" and "Integrated understanding of disease pathogenesis based on interstitial cell diversity", respectively. Drs. Nagaoka and Oba had a poster presentation.
- 2024.11.14-15
- We participated in the 4th Hi-C Meeting held at Chiba University. Nakato gave an oral presentation, and Dr. Nagaoka, Sakatsume-san, and Gima-san gave poster presentations.
- 2024.10.31
- Dr. Nagai has departed for a one-year short-term study in Germany.
- 2024.10.22-25
- Drs. Nagai, Lee and Oba had a poster presentation at the 1st Asia & Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference (APBJC2024) held at Okinawa.
- 2024.10.16
- The presentation on HiC1Dmetrics at Bio"Pack"athon has been made available on TogoTV (in Japanese). HiC1Dmetricsを用いたゲノム立体構造解析
- 2024.10.15-18
- Drs. Nagaoka and Oba had a poster presentation at the SMC complex international symposium held at Shizuoka.
- 2024.10.11
- The Nakato Lab has been moved. The new location is room 303 of the IQB main building on the Yayoi Campus.
- 2024.10.1
- Ruicheng Li has joined our lab as a master student.
- Wilhelm Glaas, a master student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, has joined our lab as a special student (USTEP).
- 2023.9.23
- The Springer Nature protocol book entitled “Computational Methods for 3D Genome Analysis”, edited by Nakato, has been published. The book covers a wide range of topics related to 3D genome structure. We thank all the contributors who kindly accepted the invitation!
- 2024.9.4
- Paper by a Dr. Saijou accepted in Heliyon. Title: "Modulation of liver cholesterol homeostasis by choline supplementation during fibrosis resolution"
- 2024.9.3
- Mako Kimura, a second-year student at the University of Tokyo, has joined the Nakato Lab as a collaborative researcher.
- 2024.8.28
- Sofia has completed her internship and successfully submitted her bachelor's thesis at the University of Pisa. Congratulations and best wishes to Sofia!
- 2024.7.14
- Dr. Nagai gave an oral presentation at the ISMB2024 in Montreal, Canada.
- 2024.6.27
- Gina has earned the Ph.D. degree. Congratulations!
- 2024.6.21
- Sofia from the University of Pisa joined our lab as an intern.
- 2024.5.23-25
- Nakato had an invited talk at the Asia Pacific Spatial Omics Technology 2024 (APSOT2024) in Taiwan.
- 2024 4.11
- Paper by a Ph.D. student Gina accepted in Genes to Cells. Title: "Clover: An unbiased method for prioritizing differentially expressed genes using a data-driven approach"
- 2024.4.1
- Sakatsume-san has joined our lab as a Ph.D. student.
- 2024.3.21
- Zhou-san has earned the MS degree. Congratulations!
- 2024 3.14
- Paper by Dr. Nagai accepted in STAR Protocols. Title: "Protocol for identifying differentially expressed genes using the RumBall RNA-seq analysis platform"
- 2024.2.29
- Dr. Nagai had been selected for a research fund of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career). Project title: "Developing Algorithms for Identifying Gene Modules in Single-Cell RNA-Seq Using Signed Graphs"
- Dr. Nagaoka had been selected for a research fund of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career). Project title: "Gene regulatory network analysis using time-series Perturb-seq data"
- 2024.1.29
- Dr. Jo Minji from the Hirota lab at the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research joined our lab as a collaborative research fellow.
- 2024.1.6
- Paper by Dr. Wang accepted in DNA Research. Title: "Churros: A docker-based pipeline for large-scale epigenomic analysis"
- 2023.12.7-8
- Nakato gave an oral presentation at the NTU-UTokyo Joint Conference 2023 at National Taiwan University.
- 2023.12.6-8
- At the MBSJ2023 conference (at Kobe), Drs. Nagai, Lee, Saijou and Nagaoka and Oba-san will have a poster presentation.
- 2023.11.13-16
- Nakato and Dr. Nagai attended the IHEC annual meeting and CEEHRC 9th Annual Canadian Conference on Epigenetics held in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Nakato gave an oral talk and Dr. Nagai had a poster presentation.
- 2023.10.13
- Nakato gave a presentation at Human Genetics Asia 2023.
- 2023.10.1
- Vladislav Yanvarev has joined our lab as a MEXT research student.
- 2023 9.24
- We have updated the lab's website and added "Join Us" and "Lab Tour" pages.