Lab Facilities / 研究室環境
The Nakato Lab is located in the main building of the Institute for Quantitative Biosciences on the Yayoi Campus.

There is a common open space in the building where we occasionally have parties and other events.

書棚にはたくさんの参考書があります(和書、洋書)。実験医学やSoftware Designなどの雑誌も定期購読しています。ラボを図書館にするつもりで蔵書を増やしています。
There are many reference books (Japanese and English) and magazines on the bookshelf. We are increasing the number of books to make a library in the lab.

All members are provided with a laptop PC. Linux workstations are also available to those who wish.

Multiple high-performance servers owned by the Nakato Lab are running in the server room, supporting the research activities of lab members.